Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Egypt in Quandary as Gaza Raids Divide the Muslim World

Israel's ongoing bombing of the Gaza Strip has put Egypt in a delicate position. The government in Cairo has no interest in antagonizing Israel, but pressure is growing to allow Palestinians into the country. The attacks have split the Muslim world. By Volkhard Windfuhr in Cairo

There is a glimmer of hope here. Israel may have set up a situation where Egypt will have to intervene. An Egyptian or Arab peace force in Gaza could be the thing we al;l need to keep the peace long enough for economic plans to replace rockets asa tool for ending the conflict.

There is one obstacle .. Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood seem to me to be very much the same thing and the MB is a huge threat to Egypt's oligarchy. To make a peace force work, therefore, the effort would have to be painted as a pro-Palestiian effort, showing respect for Fatah rather than for Israel.
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