Thursday, December 25, 2008

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » How the Kvetch Stole Chanukah

@19 JB

Some 1000 years after the time of your god, a great writer, Judah Halevy, wrote of the two natures of God. One version is called the Lord(s) or adonai and provides the wonder behind the universe, the motif for all things that work. The other, the unamed Deity, represents the wonder we express in our words, the ability of Man to see things that are beyond the immediate world of senses.

He wrote these words in a great book the Khazari, as an effort to explain Judaism in the context of Islam, Christianity, and philosophy.

I like the Khazari, it expresses a shared sense of wonder that transends all specific beliefs in the Lord or Lords, and opens a kind of respect for the ideas that make us all human.

Be good!
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