Monday, December 08, 2008

Encounter with a sad mind.

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Friday Night Open Thread

144. manof truth spews:

seattle jew, in your post 143 you said you were down south in the 60’s during the civil rights movement. here’s why that annoys us (some of us) chrsitian white folks. i am going presume that you would agree with me that genetically, white christians are no more evil than jews or blacks or any other group or race. so that means that when it comes to civil rights, there should have been an equal representaion of all groups in fighting for civil rights. but, as you know, that was not true. jews were at the forefront in disproprtionate numbers. so why the disparity. because jews wanted to make discrimination one of the worst acts you can commit in our culture.(pretty much succeeded i would say). i dont believe in discrimination either, but people like yourself have trampled on the constitution, cost us billions extra in education, cost business’ billions in defending ridiculous discrmination lawsuits, added to business cost with sensitivity and diversity training, weakend police and military with mandatory placing of substandard recruits, and more i cant think of at this hour. in other words, you’d sacrifice everything so you wont be singled out, even if it means the rest of us can go to hell. i think you think all christians want to recreate the holocost. you’re wrong. but to me, your acts are selfish, you could have your survival in the greatest and fairest country the world has ever seen, but you want to ruin it for everybody.

@144 man of truth

Bottom line, you really should be ashamed of this post. These were American heroes who acted in the vest American tradition, bringing our own cultural strengths to this unique nation.

1. No I did not go south. Nor did I say that I did.

2. Jewish support for liberty has deep roots, it began long before the holocaust in the fights for freedom from the Romans, the Greeks, the inquisition. Many times Jewish thinkers have brought hate onto us by speaking the truth ... Baruch Spinoza was excluded by Christians and Jews.

Where does this drive come from? Obviously not from fear because that route leads to assimilation. Rather it comes form a tradition of being "chosen" not for rewards but to uphold waht many today call humanism.

Once a year, we celebrate a holiday called Passover. Christians know it because of the tie to Easter but rarely understand its real meaning. For example, on that night we all eat a bitter herb. Why? We are told to tell our children, that the herb eaten to now how horrible slavery is so we will not tolerate it for anyone.

You should attend a Passover seder (many families welcome goyem)
.. you might learn a lot.

3. Jews like Lee, and many of those who worked so hard against discrimination, were and many still are "ethical Jews," not ethnic and not religious. but accepting the traditions of service, freedom and learning that are rather deep in our tradition. They have no special commitment to the people, often marry outside the people and raise their kids as "white" but do retain this great tradition. Hardly the attitude your poisoned post suggests!

Many of the organizations supported by Jews or founded by Jews have no visible ties to us .. eg Medecin sans Frontiers. Jews also are major supporters of groups like the American Friends Service Committee and have served valiantly as soldiers in every cou .ntry that let us be free and equal.

These fights are not in the US alone, Jews have founded, led and joined movements of liberation from South Africa to Russia.

My advice to you is to visit a shul and meet some of us. We do not have horns, do not bite and really have no interest in converting you. We might, however, help you be a better Christian.


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