Thursday, December 25, 2008

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » How the Kvetch Stole Chanukah

@15 Geov Parrish

The sadness of being Yashka

The sadness of this season is the contradiction inherent in a Christianity that celebrates the words of the Pharisees… the sermon on the mount, the belief that one can be true to one4self while not raising the sword to futiley overthrow Rome, while also celebrating the uniqueness of a message that excludes all who do not worship Jesus.

Was there a Jesus? Does it matter? What there was were people who put a synthesis of ethics, monotheism, morality and their own peoplehood, up as a shiled against Roman imperialism.

That is a memory all people should share, a memory that has long tendrils back to the Buddha and forward to Spinoza, Jefferson, Gandhi, and King.

That memory is a real miracle!

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