Tuesday, May 26, 2009

CA Supreme Court Upholds the Rule of Law

Damnit all. This is the left behaving as irrationally as the right. The law in California provides, as I understand it, fully legal equivalence. Since males and females are clearly distinct entities, there ought to be no reason to redefine a term for that union so that other unions can be treated fairly. The time has come to make civil unions the normal way for pairs to associate with each other and leave the dictionary alone.

Gmail - Stephen, We All Lost Something Today - stephenm.schwartz@gmail.com: "Stephen,

The California Supreme Court has ruled. For millions of Democrats across America, May 26th will be remembered as the day that seven men and women presided over the love of millions. Today, someone's son was was told that he can't benefit from his husband's healthcare. Today, someone's daughter was turned away from her wife's hospital bed. Today, we learned that we cannot rely on the courts to protect us.

But giving up is not an option.

We have to organize change ourselves. In 2008, five hundred ActBlue fundraisers took responsibility for protecting marriage equality in California and raised over a million dollars. Now the stakes are even higher. This is a devastating day for all fair-minded Americans, but the fight is not over.

This is a national struggle. Just 25 dollars can make the difference between today's defeat and tomorrow's victories.

At ActBlue, we've created the only platform that allows grassroots fundraisers to support organizing efforts across all 50 states. Today all eyes are on California. Tomorrow they may focus on New Hampshire or New York. With ActBlue, you can be a step ahead of the news. You can lay the foundations of tomorrow's successes today. So look to the future.

Support ActBlue.

From all of us at ActBlue, thanks.

Erin Hill


Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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