Thursday, May 14, 2009

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Vesely retires

Is "Ivan," the conservative whisperer on HA a yid?

Sad, but so areArlan Spector, the former Reprican and the deer-eyed Cohen of VA, poster child for Reprican reform. The incredible team of Repricans who chose and promoted Sarah the Palin for Vice Commander in Chief was, from what I have read, entirely drawn form Repubiyidden (William Krystal, Dick Moeeis, et al.).

Interestingly, now that Spector has seen the light, the GOP is now as Yidden frei, at elast at the Senate level, as the community of cardinals. Since the Reps put a step and fethcit in as the GOP party chief, maybe they will let Mr. Cohen run for Prez with Bobby, the Catholic from India? Then the bigots will have nowhere to go!

If BTW, with Souter's exit I think all of the Justices may be either Yids or Catholics .. with the Yids to tghe left and the Papists to the right! I guess That One better find hisself either a librul, gay, hispanic catholic or we will get another Yid on the court and have an open Jewish-Catholic schism.

As for your great knowledge oif journalism, it seems as if you may be partly illiterate. Perhaps that ios why you still read the ST?

Funny that you are down on Josh Veit. Maybe he provides you with too much information? That certainly is not a problem with the experts you seem to believe write ST editorials!

Being serious for a moment ...

The first couple of weeks of P-cola worried me. Seemed too much line the Sranger w/o its Savage bite. I thought Sandeep was especially puerile.

Since then, Pcola has really grown. If you have another source for real information on state politics, why not be generous enough to share it?
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