Monday, May 11, 2009

More Todd Palin -

More Todd Palin - "More Todd Palin

With his wife back in Alaska dealing with a natural disaster, Todd Palin was being led around the brunch by Fox's Greta Van Susteren, who is apparently his host AND handler.

POLITICO started to chat with Alaska's 'first dude' when Van Susteren intervened. The host of On The Record told us this brunch was 'off the record' - no talking with the husband of former Republican vice presidential nominee, Gov. Sarah Palin.

Asked why, Van Susteren told us - as we held pen, pad, recorder and camera in hand - well, you know, at these things you can't always figure out who's on the record or off the record when you chit chat. And, she added, with all the background noise Palin could easily be misquoted.

Palin demurred.

But he did answer a question about how his new grandson is doing. 'He's doing great,' he said, 'really good.'"

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