Monday, May 25, 2009

Popular Science

Invention Awards: Ripsaw Tank Delivers Death at 60MPH

See the Ripsaw in action: An unmanned beast that cruises over any terrain at speeds that leave an M1A Abrams in the dust

Today's featured Invention Award winner really requires no justification--it's an unmanned, armed tank faster than anything the US Army has. Behold, the Ripsaw.

Cue up the Ripsaw’s greatest hits on YouTube, and you can watch the unmanned tank tear across muddy fields at 60 mph, jump 50 feet, and crush birch trees. But right now, as its remote driver inches it back and forth for a photo shoot, it’s like watching Babe Ruth forced to bunt with the bases loaded. The Ripsaw, lurching and belching black puffs of smoke, somehow seems restless.

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