Monday, May 11, 2009

Obam-Omics vs Republican Sketics

Frankly, I do not know if Obama-omics will work.

I do know that we had an awesome opportunity as a result of the fall of the USSR. We blew it with 28 years (Reagan to Bush II) of increasing dependence on foreign loans, a lack of the kind of alliances that work to our advantage militarily and economically, and a decreasing ability of America to function as the world's central industrial power.

Any answers, given the cess pool left after Bush II, needed some sort of dramatic and short term fixes. For all the hand wringing, mine as well, no one seems to have proposed any rational short term fixes other than those used bt That One and his crew.

It is easier to say what would NOT work:

1. An untrammeled effort to rule the world with US military.

2. Perpetual dependence on recycled debt.

3. Faith that the magic of the American Free Market will create miracles.

4. Allowing the real capital of American productivity to poof because of the failed magic of free market banks printing money in the form of infinitely leveraged debt.

It seems to me to be a good thing to worry about how BHO will or can lead us through the short term, but it is imperative to think in the longer term about how to shore the levies. A few apecifics seem very clear to me:

1. We MUST, restart our internal industrial database. The USA is not Monaco, Bermuda, or Switzerland. We can not live off of brokering others' assets.

This likely means an overall fall in our industrial wage. It also means we need to compete with China and others in maintaining and growing a productive infrastructure.

2. We need a long term fix to our healthcare system. We can no longer strangle American jobs on the healthcare noose.\

3. We need an emigration policy that takes advantage of America's ability to be where bright folks from the entire world come to make their mark. China may have a billion folks able to learn new things but they can not compete with us if we represent the best and the brightest across the world.

4. We need to cut deeply into the 50% of federal spending that now supports our role as world cop. We can only do this by creating new, sustainable alliances.

5. We need MUCH better and tougher schools. The myth that "all people can learn must stop being synonymous with the neglect of the cultivation of out academic elites. Imoproving educational opportunities for African Americans will fail unless we also celebrate anbd promote the successes of all Americans competing for the top schools and jobs.

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