Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Hanukkah – Open Thread

@93. Mr. Cynical spews:

Faith & Grace are the most amazing things.
Closed minds and closed hearts cannot & refuse to grasp the enormity of what the Chrsitians did.

1. murder those closest to to Jesus because the Aryan and nazarene heritages were heresy against Rome.

2. Kidnap children so they could be raised under the Christian religion.

3. enslave millions for their own good.

So who is blind?


Is your Jesus the Jesus of opposition to Roman tyranny? the preacher of passive resistance, the advocate of following the Torah while under the Roman yoke? Who was and is a better follower of YOUR Jesus, Charles Colson or Jimmy Carter? John XXIII or Sarah Palin? Cesar Chavez or Dick Chaney? Thomas Jefferson or George III?
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