Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More on Dr. Wise

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » UW Provost Phyllis Wise finally complies with disclosure policy: "@2 rhp

The clue might be the fact that the Provost is from the U.W. Medical School. Members of the medical community who hold full-time academic positions make substantially less than they could in private practice. Some might see this as an opportunity to level the playing field with their peers.


Dr. Wise is a PhD and a professor of physiology. The higher salaries you refer to are for MDs doing clinical work. One neurosurgeon colleague of mine a couple of years ago was given hell by the media because he was making about what she is now. In his case, however, at his clinical level, the going rate outside of a University was about $3 million a year. (He is a GREAT surgeon in a hard area).

Withall due respect, as Provost of the UW, she is already paid MORE than the Chancellor of UC Berkley. (take a look at today’s NYTimes).

The second difficult issue here is that she appears to have a conflict of interest. A Committee appointed by President Emmert has already found that Nike is in violation of their trademark contract wi UW because of labor problems in Guatemala. As the UW Executive Vice President and as Provost she has durect responsibility for exactly that sort of ethical concern. Her claim to be able to recuse herself makes no sense.

Remember, Dr. Wise claims NOT to be doing this in her capacity as a Prof. of Physiology. (Nike would not hire her for this much money in that capacity). Rather she is acting as a State employee. Imagine if Gregoire’s Head of the Prison System were to join the board of some firm selling for-profit prison services or if an aide to Perter Goldmark (Lands Commissioner) were to take money from Weyerhauser?

I respect Dr. Wise but I also believe she has made a bad mistake and is setting a bad precedent that undermines the credibility of the UW at a time when we badly need the support of citizens under great financial stress.

If I were her, I wold resign from Nike.

S.M. Schwartz, MD, PhD, MD (hon)

Professor of Pathology
University of Washington
Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering and Cardiology"
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