Sunday, December 06, 2009

Picking on Rome

Sam Adams' fears of popery seem to have a persistent property among self designated American revolutionaries.

Over at HA, Lee is on another tirade. This time he seems to believe that there is a conspiracy of Catholic owned hospitals t keep moribund patients "{alive" until Jesus says otherwise or the Pope gets an inspiration.

Indubitably, Lee is correct. The current Pope is as unimpressive as most as his predecessors. The idea of a bunch of randy old men dressed in scarlet robes choosing a vicar of Jesus under the homoerotic paintings of Michelangelo is something so weird only a human could understand it. We Martians are lucky to have left such superstition behind.

Last time I looked The Baptists had announced that I was condemned to Hell, the Buddhists were teaching children that they would be reincarnated as goats, the atheists were ridiculing Santa, the Jews were insisting that a woman could not get a divorce unless her husband agreed, the capitalists had discovered an invisible hand, the protestants were running state churches in England and Sweden, the Muslims declared that all polytheists should be killed, Hindu women were being burned to death, the South Africans had discovered that AIDs was not due to a virus, the Mormons were converting my ancestors, the Republican Leader had endorsed killing witches, and the Aztecs were sacrificing virgins.

With all this … so what is so bad about deciding that an infallible leader has been selected by a bunch of celibate men chosen by a God who pinned his son to a cross?"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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