Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Mary Jane Replaces the Marijuana Man

cross posted at HA

The greatest effect of legalization would be to free the forces of marketing.

Coffee sells in huge amounts for three reasons ... it is not regulated for its psychoactive effects and those effects are pleasant. Add to these the power of marketing and we have everything from Maxwell House to Starbucks. Imagine marijuana sales on that scale! Imagine Mad Ave pushing marijuana!

There is a huge marketing advantage of mj over coffee. People buy coffee for its taste. If "marijuana" were legal, there would be no reason to restrict the use of THC, the active ingredient in mj, to reefers. 

Now imagine M&Ms as M&M&Ms. Chocolate already contains low amounts of an mj like ingredient. Lace the M&M with THC and the marketers would go wild! Imagine Valentines Day! 

But wait, like one of those TV ads, "there is more." M&M&Ms could be made LOW calorie! The sweet taste of sugar in chocolates could be replaced with other sweeteners. The result ... a product with more effect than chocolate but with no weight gain!  Hell, unlike tobacco, marijuan products could be sold for their health advantages. 

The marketers would go wild. All that Benson and Hedges talent punished  by fears of cancer would now be free to fly!  As long as new marijuana based products did not involve inhaled smoke, the government would have no reason regulate this new market. If mj were a state monopoly, the government itself would have huge reasons to promote sales. Imagine, printing the state lottery number on individual M&M&Ms!

My favorite marketing tool for Marijuana, however, would be sex, Lets call her Mary Jane and imagine MJ, dressed in a seductive low cut gown in a bar or wearing a smartly feminine business suit at a conference table at Gates, Bogle, Harumph and Smits. The MJ lady, sips her marijuana laced sweet chocolate, the camera sweeps to a head shot, her mascara-enhanced eyes look out .. the men are high, very high.

Victoria's Secret models replacing the Marlboro Man! l
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