Friday, August 10, 2007

Bringing Balance to All Things.

The sad truth is that there is obvious bias against the right in today's Universities. How else can you explain the large number of conservative beliefs that science finds as unreal?

As one example, consider evolution. There have been any experiments testing Darwin's theory. While these have worked, how can one conclude Darwin was correct until a comparable number of experiments have been done proving that intelligent design is correct?

Of course, truth is relative. Chris Mathews recently delivered an amazing defense of GW Bush.
In this 3 minute panegyric, nothing we all think we have learned about Bush is true. This sort of balance is a triuph of modern American journalism. We should expect no less from reality in other spheres.

I think we need legislation to require the reality of intelligent design. Experiments that seem to support Darwin's theory should be balanced by experiments with the opposite results.

The Dutch may already be taking this progressive step.
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