Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Of Tolls and Trolls

My good friend Darry over at Hominid Views has posted news about an effort to bring trolls to Seattle. He is worried that more trolls will bring more congestion.

I hope that trolls WILL cause congestion. That may be the only way to get people to move to make better use of our geography by living in cities or spend the $$ needed for mass transit.
I like tolls. Esp the one under the bridge in Fremont.

The other kind are good too. It seems to me that tolls are a sort of free market correction to our subsidization of cheap oil and highways. In days of old folks lived in cities because … well because that is where the jobs were. The car and highways freed folks Americans from cities because we subsidize4d the hell out of oil and roads.

Now we are gonna have to pay the piper. The right cries “There is but one Market, and that must be Free,” thertefore opposing anything that they see as subsidized. Tou wanna have busses, pay the fares. You wanna have light rail, pay the fares. Tolls level the playing field.
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