Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A reply to a Republican mouthing the party line

You claim the dems are committed to:

"Tax, spend, cut, run…'

Lets see … US incomes have fallen for the first time in 20 years, out debt is astronomical and owned by our largest opponent/ I may be simple minded but is there a reason you think BORROWING money is better than taxing ourselves?

Oh cut and run .. you mean as in we bomb the hell out of Afghanistan then get out? Or do you mean Lebanon? haven't we left the palestine-israel thing fester for six years as oppsed to what Mr. C did? Compare Bosnia to Afghanistan.

Political correctness

Aha!!! As in appointing Clarence Thomas? Or invoking Jesus as part of a campaign team? Or dd you mean calling the French names? How about pretending that Coni Rice is amajor foreign plicy expert or keeping a fellow on as AG after he has drivelled in public?

The Nanny / Welfare State

now … now I understand, you mean exerting state control over the use os different orifices for sex, being sure kids all pray to your Jesus in school, underwriting rich folks investment in China, or assuring that certain kinds of income are never taxed so rich folks can get richer without having to work?

Oh yeh, howsa about keeping out them nasty furriners so real Mericans can work at Msoft?

Big Corporations = Bad

I think you have this one wrong, assuming your idea was to support the liberal side, Isn;t ti the demns who opposed Enron, want to tax oil companies, etc?

Big Government = Good

Yep, we do have the biggest government in history (it shrunk under Clinton, tsk tsk),

“All diversity is good as long as it isn’t diversity of opinion…”

Errr ahhhh … Darcy meets in a bar, Jimmy Carter bloodies his hands at building sites, Hillary and Barack hold open town meetings. Demo candidates include true Vietnam vet and heroes. Bush bans tee shorts and speaks only at meetings of the retired veterans of the Spanish American war? He can’t seem to hire anyone who actually fought in Vietnam ,, is he prejudiced against vets?

Repricans won’t even vote for John McCain, the man favors immigartion reform for Jesus’ sake. And then there is that polygamist form Mass. Lets ee what is real diversity?? Clarence Thomas vs Barck Obama? Is one of these a Tom?

You need to correct a few words in your last two paragraphs:

“None of the above — all publicly stated beliefs of the Leftright in one form or another — are in any way “progressconstructive,” regardless of your definition. Not saying that the Far Right has any greater claim to progress, but they also don’t try toeven though they do misappropriate the term.

The true “progressives” patriots on the Left right are folks like the Gang of 14 members and the few politicians like Chuck Hague — leaders who put progress a head of politics. “

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Anonymous said...

What republican mouthing the party line? A link maybe?
Are you hearing voices in your head?

SM Schwartz said...

It is a bit of a composite. I think mostly from a guy who calls himself Marvin Stamn at Horses Ass.

I actually think the questions are more interesting as a general kinfd of thing obligate right wingers post.