Monday, November 03, 2008

The 2008 presidential campaign has been like no other - Los Angeles Times

The 2008 presidential campaign has been like no other - Los Angeles Times: "Accepting the Democratic prize before a huge football stadium crowd in Denver late in August, Obama set to yoking McCain to 'eight years of failed Republican policies.' And while preaching hope, the Democrat was cold-eyed enough to reject calls to cap his spending.

But McCain seized control of the story line the day after the Democratic convention. He announced he had chosen the obscure Palin as his running mate and electrified his party's most conservative stalwarts, but many voters came to worry she was out of her depth.

When the financial crisis struck, McCain rushed to Washington to find a fix and demanded the first debate be postponed. He left without a deal and the debate went on.

In the weeks since, the campaign settled into an almost lulling rhythm. McCain attacked. Obama parried. And the polls steadied, with Obama ahead in most of the crucial places.

But the fervor surrounding the race has not dimmed and will be remembered in many ways: In the $700 million Obama is likely to raise. In the 18 million votes won by a female candidate for president. In the long lines of voters days before election day. In the avid viewers and readers who boosted cable television and new websites to record audiences.

Trivia dominated too many news cycles, to be sure."

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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1 comment:

SM Schwartz said...

With all due respect, I think you are being simplistic.

The first thing we need in government is rationality. YOu are absolutely right that BOTH parties have an irrational idea bout throwing money at things and, worse, draining m,oney from the open market where it can be most productive.

TAXES are NOT the Only Issue

BUT, there are other ways that money can be drained besides high taxes. For example, wealthy people now have no counter incentive to investing overseas or her ein non productive property ... mega yachts, super homes. Capital invested in that way is a tax, a huge tax, on out whole economy.

I know a bit about Obamist economics and I really think you will be supportive, if he wins. The keys, IMHO, are making efforts to maximize America's investment pool and the opportunities for all Americans to benefit from that pool.

Key elements:

1. long term planning of energy needs. If we had heeded Jimmy Carter, the US would be in a hugely better ppalce today.

2. Education. This should be free but also competive so that all qualified kids can go to school.

3. Healthcare. Our system costs all of us twice what healthcare costs anywhere else. The draijn on our economy is NOT sustainable any more when thsi comes from private funds than if it comes from Uncle.

4. Silly, stupid government expenditure .. McCain's ear marks efforts may be laudable (though he is very willing to vote for those hos colleagues from Az mark up.). However, a far bigger pork pool is the government;s investment in politically driven megaprojects that do not increase our productivity.


StarWars. Treaties are cheapoer and more effective. They also work.

Voyage to Mars: why?

Manhattan Energy Ptoject. Th is BS. We do need to sdpend more on relevant basic science but the enrgy problems are not going to be solved the way the A-bomb was because that basic science was already known.

5. Infrastrucure Without raods and electricity nets, our ecomomy will die.

TXES can Help where they lower our overall costs.


healthcare, infrastructure, education