Tuesday, November 18, 2008

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » I-1000: Controversial to everyone but the voters

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » I-1000: Controversial to everyone but the voters: "Will

Congratulations to the supporters.

I hope the I1000 crew now actually puts their money and action behind doing a much better job with this than what has happeened in Oregon:

1. Too few people in Oregon use the law and most physicians will not write the script. An effort needs to be made to make this available and understandable without .. as has happened in Oregon .. having a small coterie of physicians who understand and support it. Otherwise all your efforts will end up going small number of folks.

2. We need regulations to assure the law is not misused. I would like to have seen he law forbid forcing people to choose between penury and suicide.

I believe the law has not been misused so far in Oregon. Oregon’s law has been used very little but Oregon built nothing in their law to protect patients from having to choose between impoverishment and state aid for terminal care.

This is especially worrisome in the current economic situation where we must expect a lot more people to be driven to medical bankruptcy.

At a minimum, I hope we will require that records be kept to monitor the use of this option in people with precarious financial needs.
3. We need to be sure that the law is not misused to prosecute physician’s current use of morphine. I know the proponents claim this is not an issue, but lawyers have told me they think the law could be used by the “pro-life” crown to place law suits against the physicians who use morphine without going through the procedures described in this law."

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