Thursday, November 20, 2008

Talking Points Memo | Breaking News and Analysis

Talking Points Memo | Breaking News and Analysis: "Holy Crap

Rep. Henry Waxman (D) has ousted John Dingell (D) as Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

That's a hugely big deal on any number of levels -- not least of which is the two men's very different positions on energy policy. We'll have more soon.

Late Update: Here's the reaction from a Republican Hill staffer friend of mine -- very sane good guy, but, you know, still a Republican ...


The day Henry got into this race, this result was ordained.

The differences between the 2 are, as you mentioned, HUGE.

But, honestly, the real story here is Nancy Pelosi whacked John Dingell. She put a hit on him, and it was executed.

The rest of the story takes a back seat to that FACT.

For the moment, I'm still going with 'Holy Crap'."

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