Monday, October 19, 2009

'Ho White and the Seven Dwarves' beer advert angers Disney - Telegraph

'Ho White and the Seven Dwarves' beer advert angers Disney - Telegraph: "The link to Snow White in the advertisement has reportedly angered Disney. PhotThe link to Snow White in the advertisement has reportedly angered Disney.o:

The x-rated advertisement, for Jamieson's Raspberry Ale, depicts the fairytale heroine blowing smoke rings while lying in bed with seven semi-clad dwarves."

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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1 comment:

Rick said...

First Disney gets into the world of bridal jewelry, and now this! Unfortunately, this parody does poke too much fun at the charming and innocent brand that is Disney. And that Snow White must have lots of energy – at least seven times that of a normal woman.