Friday, October 23, 2009



1. Science is wrong.
2. God so hated his son that he crucified him and then blamed the Jews so Rome could rule the3 world w/o guilt.
3. The best defense against nuclear war is nuclear war.
4. Black folks are, well, good as pets. but not quite the equal of real people.
5. Asians aree all alike, fine if they are christian and do not get to uppity because they are smarter than us.
5. Government is bad.
6. Taxes is bad.
7. The Constitution is bad except where is says we should follow Jesus, carry guns, and leave wealthy people alone.
8. Jefferson was a Christina just like Glen Beck.
9. Muslim Jihad Bad, Christina Crusade Good.
10. The NY Times, Disney, and Ted Turner are commies; Murdock, Rev. Moon,and Sean Hannity are patriots.
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