Thursday, October 15, 2009

WA State Dems Need a RAYGUN


Where in hell is the Democratic party.
The Party in this state looks like the national Repricans, feckless and leaderless.
Despite a monopoly at the top level of State and Federal positions, power in WASTATE Dem terms seems not to equate to local leadership. Patty is running largely unopposed for
re-election and Cantwell … she seems secure too, if only by Reprican default. Not one of the three big sisters, (adding in Gregoire) seem to ever show leadership HERE.
Gregoire esp. troubles me. She reminds me more of GHW Bush and acts as if the Governor’s job is administration rather than leadership.
Things get worse on the local level.
If you want to sell citizens on the need to pay taxes, SHINE A RAYGUN on the things they can take pride in ….
Highlight UW/WSU/State College Achievements .. when did anyone last hear a major state pol announce anything of moment? (hint .. when did UW last win a Rose Bowl?)

Celebrate OUR military!
What misguided librul decided to GIVE the men and women in uniform as a present5 to the righties?
Build a Business Council of WASTATE’s many rational business leaders Wwe ALL know about the BIAW, but why do we not know about the technological company leaders?
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