Friday, October 09, 2009

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Please ..

at a time like this I do not think dissing the Norwegians is the right thing to do. Whatever you may think of Kissinger, the intent of the Committee was clear then, as it is now. They were encouraging eace rather than rewarding achievement.

I can give you a much worse example. Some years ago I was involved with an effort to rescue a scientist in Moscow. This person, a colleague of mine, was being threatened by Chazov, the then Minister of Health and recipient with others f a Nobel Peace Prize for his part in the effort to contain nuclear weapons. Chazov was a KGB polikut (political plant) and as offensive a soviet apparatchik as you can imagine. I met his POS and listened to stories as bizarre as those of Sarah Palin, though he needed t look East to see Alaska, about the evils of the USA.

Did Chazov deserve a Nobel? No way! Did the Norwegians do the right thing in encouraging peace? Yes!

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