A recent editorial by the UW president expresses optimism about new ways of achieving diversity at the university level. Kudoes to the President
As I have grown up, it has seemed to me that there has been a social ebbtide ... moving the US from the full tide and froth of its egalitarian period toward a classist society a lot like that of Imperial Britain.
Seattle, in particular, for all the innovation and new industries created by our current crop of megawealthy people, will enter the era of second generation great wealth at a time when the Jeffersonian presumptions of equal opportunity seem to have been submerged in the triumphalism of both the Clinton and the Bush years.
I have never been fond of skin based affirmative action. The goals set by Dr. Emmert seem to me, therefore, both exciting and very timely.
It would be really interesting to see how well the UDub is doing in attracting and serving our State's different classes.
I would also vote and work for any candidate who dedicates herself or himself to this new kind of affirmative action. That idea is a large part of my enthusiasm for Mr. Obama. I am less convinced that Ms. Clinton has that same commitment.
In the meantime Michelle Obama has fulfilled one of my male fantasies ... she goes around with her real face! Years ago Barb and I went to a wedding and Barb was supposed to be made up by a paid artist. It really irritated me. I love my wife and I love her face. Any fantasies we engage in belong in our bedroom. Kudoes to the lady from Chicago! Imagine going barefaced! From Burkha to Hajib to Makeup to barefaced femininity .. free at last.
I am often angry at the fauxista claim that the moderate press is left wing. Here is something to rival the Washington Times .. a leftish magazine, really!
Looks very interesting, except for, well, (shudder) Chomsky (barf, retch) for whom I have some (involuntary body functions) well (gaack, splarge)slight antipathy (gasp, strangle)that I might be able to overcome (moaning for last rites).
Have I mentioned a distaste for (shriek) Noam?
Chomskey is an odd person. He seems to be massively bright, argues his position very well and yet, on many issues,l I believe he is wrong. The intersting thing about him, however, is that he represents a true leftish RATIONAL opinion in an era where the middle is depicted as left and mauch of the right is irrational.
I like to listen to him as a test ifr my own ideas. In contrast, I have never found his equivalent on the right.
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