Sunday, January 06, 2008

HRC Loses it at NH Debate

Hillary is shrill tonight. She is beginning to convince me that she IS as self centered as some have said. I have no doubt that she is an able person, but it appears that in her mind she is a great person. What scares me about this is that she really does not have an exemplary record.

As a member of Clinton I, she was a good soldier but not outstanding. Her biggest achievement was in weathering the storms. But, as Clinton's ally and as a Senator, I have trouble equating her with any6thing as outstanding as she seems to know she deserves.

Are we seeing the Peter Principle?

More from Huffington on Hillary's Panic

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton criticizes rival Barack Obama's record on abortion rights in a mailing sent to New Hampshire voters _ her first direct attack on the Illinois senator since his victory in Iowa.

The mailer says that seven times during his time in the Illinois state Senate, Obama declined to take a position on abortion bills, while Clinton has been a defender of abortion rights.

During his eight years in the legislature, Obama cast a number of votes on abortion and received a 100 percent rating from the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council for his support of abortion rights, family planning services and health insurance coverage for female contraceptives. He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive, a vote that especially riled abortion opponents.

He also joined other state Democrats in voting present on some bills.

From Talking POints memo:

My Take on the Dem Debate

So, a few observations about the Democratic debate.

First, a few months ago, I said that I didn't get what Barack Obama thought he was doing in one of the debates, that he was doing a very good job debating as the frontrunner, when in fact he was falling further and further behind Hillary Clinton. It showed tonight. There are a lot of differences between now and then. And I thought he had a good night. But tonight was an example where his style worked much better when he's on top. He parried Clinton pretty well. And I don't think she really laid a glove on him.

As I wrote earlier, I think the debate started in a pretty shambling fashion. Then it began to engage and built to a pivotal, even defining exchange on the subject of change around 9:30 PM. Obama made his case. Significantly, Edwards largely agreed with Obama to the effect of trying to close the door on Hillary's candidacy. Hillary was clearly pissed and responded with what you probably consider either an impassioned or enraged response (perhaps both) that I think very articulately and effectively described her argument for her candidacy. I think that Hillary moment will become a Rorschach for voters around the country.

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