Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Yyping Hillary

Roseanne Barr's Wild Tirade Against Obama, Oprah

Of couse Ms. Bar endorses Hillary. Imaguie the debhate .. Ro0seann nv Oprah!

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democratic Candidate For President - CBS News: "Next

Hillary Rodham Clinton


Hillary Rodham Clinton has been in the public eye for some 40 years, her face one of the best-known in the world. She has been both admired and reviled with great intensity. She is a First Lady full of other firsts - the first student to speak at her college commencement; the first First Lady to become a United States Senator; the first woman to be treated seriously as a candidate for president of the United States. (Photo: AP / Getty Images)"

seems as if they ran out of first pretty quickly?
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