Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tale of two grandmums

At Columbia University Obama’s Kansan grandmother Madelyn Dunham.

Obama’s Kenyan grandmother Sarah
Hussein Obama.

The despicable Clinton attacks on Obama bring an issue to the fore that needs to be said. Bieng Black and Being female are two utterly different things. All famiies have men and women. The daughter of Bill Gates inherits vast privilidge. from Daddy. The daughter of Barack Obama, for better or worse, will inheirt .. race.

Equating female equoty to black equity is wrong. Of copurse women need not just full rights but reight that are adapted to femel life cycles. We are getting there very fast. We are making progress in regard to "race" as well ,,, but Obama's daughter will be female, whether they will be "black" whether anyone will see that as an issue in their future .. that is up to us.

Ther eis one more point. If BHO is elected, he will .. I believe .. be the first of many things, not just the first black:

The first President born of a foreign parent since the Revolution.
The first President schooled in a minority school.
The first President not of solid, north Europena ancestry.
The first President whose wife has had a fully independent carear of her own.

These are all historic.

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