Monday, January 21, 2008

Would Jesus Make War in Iraq?

HorsesAss.Org» Blog Archive » Open thread: "# SeattleJew says:

@35 Asking what the real Yashka might have done is not fruitful. No one knows.

The Jesus of the Christian Bible implicitly supported war because he comes of ass a quisling, … e.g. give into Caesar. Yet his followers, not the Pauline converts outside Judea but the Nazarenes, were amongst the Zealots who rebelled against Roman power 40 years later!

You need to remember, the Jesus story taker place in OCCUPIED JUDEA, led by a non-Jewish “King” appointed by the Romans (Herod).

Ironically, the Pharisees, depicted by the Roman version of Christianity as Jesus’ enemies, were the major resistance to Roman hegemony. As a result, in the CB, Jesus is made out an an opponent of the very philosophy he probably was part of.

Just imagine how far the Pauline Church would have gotten had it acted like Lech Walesa!

Back to WWJD, one clue is the resistance of the Zealots. Another comes from the early rabbinic Jews. Unlike the zealots, these folks taught a kind of underground survival, leaving the evil Romans alone as long as they let us remain in places like Sfad and Tiberias.

So maybe it was the Jewish thing to seek peace at any price and the Christina thing to fight back??

Personally, I believe we should have fought the effin Romans all along. Bu"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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