Thursday, April 24, 2008

Carville Off the Deep Edge

Last night on Larry King, James Carville appeared with Bill Richardson.

Richardson was calm in the face of Cajun rage. Carville's affect was so flat and his words so vituperous, I began to wonder if he might not be paranoid.

It has been over thirty years since I was trainbed to diagnose paranoid schizophrenia and Carvill did not quite meet what I was taught, but he came close. His bizar behavior, total flat affect, impenetrable anger are worrisome symptoms. I wonder whether he and possible his boss are not on the edge of something truly terrible.

One last point ...

if Carville does represent what is going on in Hillary's mind, she is simply not fit to govern the USA.

There is no excuse for this sort of behavior.

and there is more:

He then pushed the issue further by adding, "And we have big problems in this country. You can't go hide under the New York Times editorialists' skirt every time something happens and expect them to come out and do your fighting for you," he said, referring, presumably, to the Times' Wednesday editorial blaming Clinton for running a "mean, vacuous, desperate" campaign. Did Carville's "skirt" comment have some inappropriate undertones? Watch the clip and let us know what you think.

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