Monday, April 07, 2008

One Good One for the Lady from NY

It sounds like getting rid of Penn has had a good effect! I am excited and impressed by Hillary's stand on this matter. While I realize that real politics may mean that a Bush boycott would hurt our relations with the fascisti of China, I also see the potential for the uS retaking the moral high ground .. perhaps by offering tis services to China as a mediator.

In any case **** for the Lady Rodham!

Clinton calls for Olympic opening boycott

The first high-profile move of the post-Penn campaign:

Clinton is calling on Bush to boycott the Olympics opening ceremony.

An aide confirms the news, reported first -- EXCLUSIVE -- by Drudge.

Leaders led by German chancellor Angela Merkel have made plans to boycott the opening ceremony to press China for its crackdown in Tibet.

A coalition of groups trying to end the Sudanese government's attacks on civilians in Darfur also called Friday on world leaders to boycott the opening ceremony to protest China's support for Sudan's government.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has also suggested boycotting the August 8 opening ceremony.

"How can world leaders watch the lighting of the Olympic torch – under the “one world, one dream” banner – without taking bolder action to extinguish the flames of violence still consuming the defenseless men, women and children of Darfur?" the groups said in a statement.

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