Monday, April 28, 2008

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Open thread

Jeremiah Wright has now give two public answers to the racist misuse of his speeches and the low ball misuse of that Faux maneuver by Clinton.

The bottom line is that Wright is obviously; an extraordinarily bright, thoughtful, patriot. His pride in the USA is s strong that it is infectious. The press should be ashamed of itself for taing words out of context .. but after listening to the Rev, I realize he is a lot brighter than most blow haired talking heads.

The speech at the 99th annivwersary of the NAACP was awe4some.

It is obvious that this guy is now lightwieght. he is proud of his heritage and dispays an ethnocentrism worthy of my immigrant Galitzianer Grand mother or my Irsih and Italian neghbors in Boston as I grw up. Jeremiah is a one proud dude but one who pobviously revels in toehr pride in their own ethnicity.

He may well be the anchovy in the American Caesar salad.

Finally, his discourse in ebonics was and african vs Euro rhythms was wonderful! Excursions through lieder and spirituals were awesome.

I have pasted some of this at SJ and will post the talk from tonoght as soon as I can find it on the Inet.
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Anonymous said...

wright may be right about many things, but his performances of late are doing nothing but driving Obama's campaign into the dirt.

the man is proud, yes... egotistically so, i might say ... but i wish the good Reverend and Doctor would be smart enough to know when he should just shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

No doubt you are right. That said, the media could do a lot better job by putting this in balance.

They remind me of the sixties radicals who justified everythng they wanted to do .. this is what "the people" want.

Suppose instead the mediaq fixated on the Clinton's taxes or some of hubby's VERY quesitonable associations with Dubai, Kazakhastan, etc. "they" set the agenda. How in hell "they" dsecide what to cover is beyond me except that in this case there is clear systemic racism.