Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Limbaugh's Minions Carry the Day for Clinton

Limbaugh's Big Win ...

If the numbers I read at SP are correct then the big winner last night may have been Rush Limbaugh.

The conservative site says that 13% of the vote last night was new registrants and that about 60% of that went to BHO.

BUT, what they do not say is what proportion of the 40% were Limbaugh ditto-heads following his operation choas plan.*. In this plan, RL urged his following to vote for Hillary by falsifying their party affiliation.

Assuming he was successful, that could mean as much a 5% of Hillary's lead was due to Rush Limbaugh. Of course some of those Hillary votes would also be newly registered Hillaryites but .. given the closeness of this race and the fact that Obamicans (registered Repubs wanting to vote Obama) were not allowed to vote, it seeks likely that about 50% of her vote was faux.
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