Thursday, June 18, 2009

Iran seeking nuclear weapons technology: ElBaradei | U.S. | Reuters

Iran seeking nuclear weapons technology: ElBaradei | U.S. | Reuters: "VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran wants the ability to build nuclear weapons to gain the reputation of a major power in the Middle East, the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog said in a BBC interview broadcast on Wednesday.

Tehran denied the assertion. But International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei told Iran at an IAEA meeting that it would not be trusted unless 'you go the extra mile' and lift restrictions on U.N. inspections."

This IS the real issue. Iran is NOT going to use the bomb, they are nto insane .. that problome is what needs to worry us about Pakistan and NK.

The bomb is far more effective as a polituical tool as a weapon and having the ability to make bombs or even having a couple of them is a silo, is empowering.
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