Monday, June 22, 2009

Marijuana Damages DNA And May Cause Cancer, New Test Reveals

Marijuana Damages DNA And May Cause Cancer, New Test Reveals: "There have been many studies on the toxicity of tobacco smoke. It is known that tobacco smoke contains 4000 chemicals of which 60 are classed as carcinogens. Cannabis in contrast has not been so well studied. It is less combustible than tobacco and is often mixed with tobacco in use. Cannabis smoke contains 400 compounds including 60 cannabinoids. However, because of its lower combustibility it contains 50% more carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including naphthalene, benzanthracene, and benzopyrene, than tobacco smoke.”

The authors added: “It is well known that toxic substances in tobacco smoke can damage DNA and increase the risk of lung and other cancers. Scientists were unsure though whether cannabis smoke would have the same effect. Our research has focused on the toxicity of acetaldehyde, which is present in both tobacco and cannabis.”"

This is an important issue. While scientists agree that the psychoactive components of marijuana are harmless, SMOKING REEFERS is very likely to cause cancer. The idea of medical marijuana makes no more sense than it would to prescribe tobacco smoke for people in need of nicotine.

To be sure there is a recent study that failed to find the expected link to lung cancer.
Unfortunately, the way epidemiology works a failed experiment never proves something is not true because there are always unknown potential variables. E.g. in the study here the numbers of people who did not smoke both tobacco and reefers was small. In contrast the evidence that the chemicals found in reefer smoke cause cancer is overwhelming.

My best advice is if you need MJ for nausea or some other medical use, get a script for the legal version of THC

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Anonymous said...

The only 'Legal' THC prescription available in the USA is Marinol. I have been on Marinol for years it does nothing for chronic nausea and vomiting. In addition it is very expensive even though they now have a generic version available it still cost's $735 for 60-5mg pills. The safest, most effective way to control chronic nausea and vomiting is 'Inhaled Cannabis Vapors.' Marijuana combusts at 392 degrees F., and also benzine is realesed at that temp. If you vape at 383 degrees F., or below only the safe and therapeutic cannabinoids are released.

SM Schwartz said...

Good post, thank you.

My reason for the posting is that marijuana activists have been pushing for the unlikely idea that MJ smoke is safer than tobacco.While possible, we have already had a massive publoic health effect caused by advocates of one smoke containing carcinogens and I would hope we could avoid another.

My understanding is that double blind studies have not shown any effect on nausea that is not attributable to THC. The effect of inhaling vs ingesting THC, if valid, may be pharmacokinetic, that is due to the rate at which THC enters the body.

If so, then a higher dose might work or perhaps the THC itself should be inhaled. I understand that an inhaled form is doing well in Canada and I think it is on the way to approval in the US.

I wonder if one can get a script for medical marijuana to treat seasickness?

BTW. Do not make a big issue of benzene. Benzene is only one of the important issues. When MJ burns it generates a number of "tars" and these are more abundant in MJ than in tobacco smoke. If marijuana is not burned at all, I would guessthere would be no formation of dangerous tars. That would be useful data to have!

The important thing, as you said, is probably not to inhale the burned stuff.