Friday, August 14, 2009

The Brown Shorts

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » The Daily R-71:

It Appears that R71, an intiative to outlaw domestic partnerships, will be on the ballot in the Fall.

I see this as an opportunity. The goniffs who sponsored this are fools. There is no way they will win the referendum ..

It would be very cool for the elite of the State to unite … left and right .. on this one. Interesting challenge for Mr. McKenna, for the Mormons, for the Black Churches, for the Catholic Church, and for Jewish organizations.

A coalition of majoritarian religious groups, t FOR civil rights irrespective of the “marriage” issue would be VERY powerful.

The group with the hardest challenge will be the dwindling moderate Republicans. If McKenna is smart he will come out early against R71, if not he will lose a lot of independents who will not vote for a brown shorts candidate."

Who are the "brown shorts?" I could use the term "brown shorts" but as type disabled individual,my term for the childish imitators of the Sturmabteilung (SA)) is brown shorts. These childish, immature, self centered Limbaihgh driven radicals remind me of gangs of children playing with the fires of bigotry and racism.

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Joshalot said...

Brown Shorts?

You may be inadvertantly offending the large demographic of UPS drivers.

SM Schwartz said...


I had not thought about that.

I hate calling these thugs "brown shirts" because effin Hitler WON, These guys seem to me more like some of the ethnic gangs I knew as a kid.

I think the correct response is ridicule. At HF, I considered getting a few a few folks to start a counter prayer session asking that these poor folks be healed of their illness. I did not do so because I was quite honestly worried about the BS (another reason to cal them brown shorts?) getting violent.