Sunday, August 30, 2009

NIH to Support Christian Schools?

Curriculum | The BioLogos Foundation: "The BioLogos Foundation is particularly interested in reaching out to Christian schools and home schools to enhance science education. The curriculum developed by the foundation focuses on the topics of science that directly interesect with evangelical Christianity. Teachers and educational leaders are identifying schools that would be interested in such a change and what approaches would be most helpful.

A significant number of the foundation’s team members have been associated with home schools and Christian schools as former students, as parents and/or as faculty members in Christian colleges where most students come from Christian high schools.

The foundation holds these schools in very high regard. Although they are challenged by limited budgets, they are committed to preparing students for success in the university setting while still putting what they learn into a Christian context.

The BioLogos foundation is committed to working alongside these educators to better inform science education in a manner that respects the findings of science and is harmonious with the biblical message. For more information, see resources for teachers in the Resources section."

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