Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jimmy McDermitt

cross posted at EFFin’ Unsound » Blog Archive »

McD's district has changed hugely since he became the rep . He has about no contacts with the UW. We have become one of the top five schools in the USA but I have never seen McD on campus. The UW is obviously the largest government entity in his District.

As a demiocratic pol, McD , is seemingly uninterested in any local issues .. whether that is light rail, visas for high tech workers, funding health research, bringing biotech to Seattle, or the Seattle Mayoral mess. Ule

While the District remains largely free of Repricans, it has changed in the huge representation of upper class techies, management tyoes, lawyers, etc. These folks are not Beck/Hannity watchers , but they (we) do have many interests that Jim seemingly knows nothing about.

Take healthcare, long one of Sunny Jim's mantras. Yet this doc is almost AWOL from the nissue ..either in Congress or in terms of his involvement with the local stakeholders (UW, local docs, Group Health, etc). This does both Seattle and the nation a disservice because Seattle has some of the most innovative healthcare scenes in the US.

All in all, Jimmy D is over ripe. The danger for librils maybe that he could be replaced by someone more independent of the dems and labor.
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