Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Is there Something Blowing In the Wind?

Israel and the Palestihnians collaborating to deal with refugees from Iraq?

Bush's "surge" may at least work toward the three Iraqs model?

Rice fianlly seem to be doing something right. building a colaition of Arabs vs. nuclear armed Persians. The Persian:Arab confrontation is very old. The farsi memeory is very long.

Even Putin seems to be on the side of peace.

Yet the Bushies still seem to be living in wonderland. Are these guys smart enough to take advantage of the opportunity?

What would happen to the Bush Prexiness if peace broke out in Israel? With 18 months left, the prospect of long term castigation comaprablem to that suffered by Nixon, how far would and could Bush go to bring peace to Israel?

One scenario that I hesitate to raise is that the "neoocns" have sacrificed huge US respurces and our reputation, in return for stabilizing Palestine/Israel. The moral/ethical implications for Zionism are very disturbing, but one of the few reasonable arguments for decapitation of WSadaam (although muted int he then discussions), was that he effectively offered the irredentist palestinains the backing of an army a short distance away should a new real war break out. Now, that threat is gone. As dire as things for Israel, the truth for the Palestinians is that NO neighboring country has the militayr force and the will to support a war with Israel.

This could create an amazing late term scenario for the Bush. Imagine a realization of the Saudi initiative, backed up by Egyptian help in pacifying Gaza and a Bush regime desperate to have him achieve something over 8 years.
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