Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bush Countdown III

Senate and Bush Agree On Terms of Spying Bill - "But conservative Democrats worried about Republicans' charges that the Democratic bill extended too many rights to suspected terrorists. 'There is absolutely no reason our intelligence officials should have to consult government lawyers before listening in to terrorist communications with the likes of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and other foreign terror groups,' said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio). The measure 'extends our Constitution beyond American soil to our enemies who want to cut the heads off Americans,' said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.). An adroit Republican parliamentary maneuver ultimately sank the bill. GOP leaders offered a motion that would have sent it back to the House intelligence and Judiciary committees with a requirement that they add language specifying that nothing in the measure would apply to surveilling the communications of bin Laden, al-Qaeda or other foreign terrorist organizations. Approval of the motion would have restarted the legislative process, effectively killing the measure by delay. Democratic leaders scrambled to persuade their members to oppose it, but with Republicans accusing Democrats of being weak on terrorism, a 'no' vote proved too hard to sell, and so the bill was pulled from the floor."
And then there is the idiocy of Bush vetoing the chikd health bill. See the video!
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