Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rice worried by Putin's broad powers -

Putin is clearly trying to emulate Hu and turning Russia into a totalitarian/corporatist state. Rice may be an avatar of a failed leader, but that does not lessen the issue of Russia.

Rice worried by Putin's broad powers - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday. 'In any country, if you don't have countervailing institutions, the power of any one president is problematic for democratic development ... think there is too much concentration of power in the Kremlin. I have told the Russians that. Everybody has doubts about the full independence of the judiciary. There are clearly questions about the independence of the electronic media and there are, I think, questions about the strength of the Duma."

I am actually wondering whether something very important may be happening at State under this Secty. It is hard to imagine the result in Korea if Chaney were still intervening as he did in Colin Powell's era, and progress toward the Anaheim meeting is at least interesting.

I would love to see someone rescue some good from Bush era and if that happened to be done by the only cultured, high level academic presence in this Luddite admin, so much the better.
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