Saturday, October 20, 2007

Splitting the Orthodox in Israel | BlogCentral: "Rav Shach saw himself very much as a patron of Shas but in the early 1990s, Rav Ovadia Yosef, now the undisputed head of Shas, disobeyed Rab Shach and the relationship between the two main Haredi parties worsened. Even when the relationship was at its lowest, there was still much cooperation on issues of concern to both and much consultation before major decisions. However, this has all changed as a result of an insidious and arguably racist cartoon printed in the pages of Yeted Ne'eman, the flagship journal of Degel HaTorah, the 'Lithuanian wing' of the Ashkenazi Haredim. The cartoon showed a man dressed in shorts and sandals wearing a skullcap and a trimmed black beard, representing a Shas follower, in cahoots with a secular person representing Kadima. With big grins, the two were dumping a rock labeled '2008 cuts' on the head of a Haredi man."
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