Saturday, October 13, 2007

Obama goes door-to-door in Iowa - Yahoo! News

Obama goes door-to-door in Iowa - Yahoo! News: "Asked by reporters how he is differentiating himself from the front-running Clinton, Obama said that on foreign policy, 'I think she tends to think more conventionally at a time that we are facing a series of unconventional threats. And, so how aggressive we are with direct diplomacy.' His campaign said that supporters were canvassing in 15 states, and that in Iowa nearly 400 volunteers knocked on more than 10,000 doors in 46 communities."

I think it is sad but Obama is wasting his real strength. He should have organized a real grass roots effort, instead this is a very formal campaign too top down. In effect Axelrod, Obama's campaign manager, is running a Hillary campaign when he shold be running somehting much more like the Robert Kennedy or Gene McCarth effort.
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