Monday, September 28, 2009

Did Jewish Federation suspect believe he was a 'jihadi'?


"Naveed Haq sits in court during a June hearing on whether or not taped phone calls from jail can be used against him.
The jail calls, Haq's attorneys contend, show Haq making 'nonsense claims that he wanted to be a martyr, that he was a jihadi, and that his parents should be proud of him.'

'He made all these claims when his psychotic mental illness was left unchecked because of improper medications,' Haq's attorneys said in court documents. 'Once stabilized, he never made any of these absurd claims.'

Writing the court, the defense warned that allegations that Haq saw himself as some kind of religious warrior could play to jurors' prejudices. .....

What IS the line between mental illness and bigotry?
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