Is Glenn Beck Khadafi's brother?
No ...?
SJ news attended the rally for Beck at Safeco. Turnout was pretty damn low .. about 7k (claimed by the Evergreen Freedom Foundation) but a some part of that were visitors to the zoo, including journalists. The paid audience seemed to rangei in age from early fifties to approaching the century .. made this 65 yo feel like a young person. EFF must of made money though. Glad we decided not to pay.
The Evergreen Freedom Foundation put on a very professional show .. including spinning this as a "full" Safeco Field ... "full", well if that meant the table setup on the field, I guess it is true. The stands where we were did fill most of about four sections of the stadium. There were prepared videos on the mega screen ... about the EFF and about Joe Montagna, the actor, who seems to be their patron.
BRS and I got in because we were outside distributing my satiric version of beck's book cover. To our surprise the crowd loved the image of Mr. Beck .. dressed in an East German Uniform, eyes wild with a Fox logo transformed by addition of the double lightning strike of the SS. Most people thought it was wonderful. We gave away over 200 pix! Some said they would have him sign the pic. Mnay wanted towanted to pay for it.
Two very nice guys gave us a free pair of $100 tickets ..with free lunch! The wierdest thing to BRS was that so many of these people were nice to us! Not just the ticket donors but the folks we talked with ..scary to think these people were cheering for Beck!
Our kind patrons sat next to us. Two dairy farmers form a CO OP here. Real nice people. I want to say thank you!
For now, let me focus on the Beckstar himself. Beck almost seemed to be reaching out for a rational life preserver to save himself from drowning. The hints at the madness on the TV show were balanced by soft voiced pleas that folks should disagree without killing each other. His talk was not insane, made me wonder if this is a Greek or Arthur Miller play about some mediocre comedian who finds himself being taken seriously. Imagine Mort Sahl without the sharp edged wit finding himself a popular politician.
I wonder what Beck knows about the effects he is having on Merica' mad fringes? I wonder if he actually is a treated schizophrenic speaking to nus all thro0ugh a thorazine fog, trying to explain his madness t himself and to his public shrinks? Have his Fox spoinsors warned Beck of what happens when soeone gets killedf because of Beck's ravings?
In comparison to Becks's rambling and little applauxded talk, one of the best done parts of the rally was the EFFs use of a show Black. Asergeant, dressed in WWII uniform .. but if true he was awfully well preserved. The guy is now an actor and gave a moving speech about our love for the military. The Sarge sat near us in the stands, a folded flag in his hands. White folks would come up to him and shake his jand. then .. Sarge was announced. After a slow walk and noble dialog, the Black Sarge embraced two Medal Of Honor attendees and Mr. Beck as well. Sadly the Sarge was about the only "colored" person there. White, with red and blue were the overwhelming colors. I wondered if Sarge was going to give Mr. Beck the flag but that never happened.
Oh yeh, in the preamable we all booed and cheered the dems .. the governor, the President. Dino Rossi, the failed candidate for governor got hearty cheers.
Beck? His talk did remind me of interviews I have had with treated schizophrenics. There was no clear cut paranoia, rather the talk seemed written by Khadafi. Dressed slovenly in a white shirt and jeans, this confused man rambled from one poorly worded conspiracy theory to another
By the time Glenn was done we had heard about the true evilness of everyone from Washington to TR Roosevelt. McCain, Palin, Obama, ... all creatures of some shadowy corporate, partisan opponent of Liberty. Beck, dissappointed me ... he seems to be a Limbaugh wanna be without the sharp edged intelligence of the head ditto head. Still he would hint of the cnspiracy out to get him .. I suspect with a little prodding the voices would speak out of Beck's pouting mouth.
Jesus, Race, Nazis, Obama hatred, ... other than the banner flown by a plane over the stadium and the Sarge, most of that was sparse. The theme? a non thinking patriotism. Odd for me, since I am a very proud American.
Are YOU Barney Frank's boyfriend?
Thanks for your long rambling stupidity.
Actually I have never met Mr. Frank. He seems like a pretty interesting guy .. do you know him?
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