Thursday, September 24, 2009

New research reveals the ancestral populations of India and their relationships to modern groups | Eureka! Science News

New research reveals the ancestral populations of India and their relationships to modern groups | Eureka! Science News: "The one exception to the finding that all Indian groups are mixed is the indigenous people of the Andaman Islands, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean with a census of only a few hundred today. The Andamanese appear to be related exclusively to the Ancestral South Indian lineage and therefore lack Ancestral North Indian ancestry.

'The Andamanese are unique,' said co-author Nick Patterson, a mathematician and researcher at the Broad Institute. 'Understanding their origins provides a window onto the history of the Ancestral South Indians, and the period tens of thousands of years ago when they diverged from other Eurasians.' Added Singh, 'Our project to sample the disappearing tribes of the Andaman Islands has been more successful than we could have hoped, as the Andamanese are the only surviving remnant of the ancient colonizers of South Asia.'"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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