Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HorsesAss.Org Do We Need King County?

A Third Choice .. Radical Change?

In this one issue, the cost of county services, it seems to me there is third choice ... do away with King County government altogether.

Very little land is left in KC that is unincorporated. For the few people who live in such places, they obviously are using the services of adjacent urban areas .. schools, parks, libraries, etc. For the rest of us, our state, city and school districts are the main providers of civic services.

Lets look at the list of service the County does provide:

Overlap with State services:

Sheriff's office.
County level courts
health department

Overlap with City/Town services

Animal Control
Sheriff's office

Already controlled by independent elected or appointed boards boards

Community colleges (are these now under the County or the State?)
metro transit

So, SJ asks,

What would we LOSE if KC were replaced by some sort of regional council?

Would doing away with the County as a government, save us money?
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