Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meeting a Nazi at the print counter ...

SJ went into a local office supply  store today to run off a few copies of my Beck poster for Saturday's Beckfest.  The clerk, a somewhat lumpy guy named "Pete" was nice enough ..  impressed by my  flattering picture of Mr. Beck, an image he recognized  as being lifted from Beck's new book.  Pete seemed especially impressed that I had replaced Beck's off choice of the german flag color scheme with the stars and stripes as a backfrop.  He soehow did not noted or approved of the SS lightning bolts added to thge Fox logo.

I think Pete intially took me for a dfellow devotee!  When I uttered the N word, "Nazi," Pete  told me how great it  was that Beck was finding all those Nazis in the Obama admin.  He couldn't understand, however, why Mr. Beck has dressed himself in a uniform  ... "Is that a Russian uniform?  Why would Beck wear that?"

Of course the uniform is that of a comrade in the DDR army, the Wehrmacht of East German  ... the regime led by the last and best of Stalin's designated dictators, Erich Honeker.

We had a strained, very strained transaction .  I tried to reassure  Pete that  Obama was not a communist.   "Then why does he surround humself with communsts?"  Of course, in the inimitable style of Reprican newspeak the word "socialist" was Pete's term for the commies.

I made onew great mistake, complaining about Beck's misuse of Yoim Kiuppur.  All I got was the all knowing eye brow.

Poor Pete, he had to struggle with the efficiencies of corporate politesse toward even the most despicable customer.
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