Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Pookas at DL

What is a Pooka?

I realize that some here are illiterate or spiritually deprived so I wanted to provide a link on the pooka.

For those who would like to meet a pooka, one usually attends DL on Tuesday nights. He is the big fella in the empty chair by the bar. http://www.silverscreenings.net/screens/harvey/images/pdvd_003.jpg

Some FAQs on the DL pooka:

1. Darryl is not a pooka. For one thing his ears are too short.

2. SJ is not a pooka, though he fantasizes about that.

3. Roger Rabbit might be a pooka, has anyone asked him?

4. Pookas always pair with a human and do so for life. This is not covered by R71 since pookas don't have gender.

5. The partner for the DL pooka remains a mystery. Goldy is too serious to have a pooka. Pookas also would not pair with anyine as intense as Lee. This also pretty well rules out anyone who works for Microsoft.

6. As a pooka expert, I suspect that the DL pooka might belong to Clark? OTOH, has anyone ever seen Clark without the fedorah .. is he hiding EARS under that hat?

7. A true TROLL can not be a pooka but could be a puca. This might explain Puddy.

7. Buying a beer for the DL pooka is an act recognized by God as a class 2 good deed.
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