Sunday, December 23, 2007


The Comeback Kid


This would change everything. He is so ... un Bush! Imagine a remade Republican Party with the nutfringe back in its closet running against Obama or Billary?

This is a hard to imagine race. My guess it that Bush would be a non issue. The Dems would try to make an issue but I do not think it would stick Instead we would end up wiht a real debate between rational liberalism vs rational connservatism!

If McC does come back, is he electable? At 73??? That seems to me to be an issue in and of itself and the GOP isn;t exactly replete with credible VPs.

Does he have the dollars to campaign in the long run?

This would utterly change my scenario of Obama running as the true Christian. OTOH, an Obama/Clark ticket or Obama/Webb might turn McCain's cnadidacy to its own advnatge.

Another issue her emight be McC himself. While I admire the man, I am not sure he can govern. He does not have a natural coalition in the Reps.
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