Monday, September 17, 2007

As WW III Incubates, No one cares.

This is my response to a very depressing post at HA on the Petraeus report. The report by Geov Parish extends the MoveOn controversy by painting the genral as no more than a bootlicker.

Petraeus is what he seems to be ... not a flack, but a soldier. He gave a factual report to Congress but refused to answer any questions about strategy, US safety, or long term goals. His silence on those issues was more imortabt than what he did say,

In the meantime, Geov has left out one critical story from last week ... the Israel air strike in Syria. The reports surrounding this event are extremely important. Some folks claim that the Israelis were staging a threat to Iran, others that they took out Syrian nukes. Interestingly, , the Syrians want it covered up much as do the Israelis. In the meantime the Saudis are reluctant to come to Bush's Camp David meetup.

Another story Geov missed was from France. The French foreign minister has said the world needs to prepare for the possibility of war against Iran over its nuclear programme.

This is one more piece of evidence that WE NEED A STRATEGY, Bush's only strategy seems to be handing his damaged goods off to Clinton or Obama so they take the blame. At the other extreme the calls for precipitous withdrawal from the mess WE MADE are at least as simple minded and self serving as anything lil Bush comes up with. Will those same peacniks stand by if Iraq turns into Bosnia or worse into the Blakans of WW I? What do we do if Iran , Turkey and Syria invade?

NOW is the time for real leadership. Obiwan and Athena (sorry I can not resist) seem to me to be trying very hard to walk a razer edge of pacifying the peaceniks while keepijng options open. In contrast Bush does not seem to give a damn and the Repricans are not yet r easy to say they f'd up and now lest MOVEON.

This is a very dangerous game of political chicken.

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